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- GBTS Panel
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- Product
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- GBTS Panel
- Software System
- Reagents
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- Product
- Services
- GBTS Panel
- Software System
- Reagents
- Instruments
- Media
- …
- Product
- Services
- GBTS Panel
- Software System
- Reagents
- Instruments
- Media

GenoBaits® Sheep 1K Panel
Jointly developed by esteemed experts from the Lanzhou Institute of Husbandry and Pharmaceutical sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and MolBreeding Biotechnology Co., Ltd., this chip is the result of cutting-edge research and development.
Featuring a comprehensive collection of major parentage identification loci from foreign breed associations and breeding organizations, as well as covering major sheep breeds both domestically and internationally, our chip is the ultimate tool for detecting multiple known candidate genes and key functional loci related to important traits of sheep. Whether you're looking to improve growth, slaughter, reproduction, coat color, horn type, stress resistance, or other traits, our chip has got you covered.
- Product Highlight
Parentage verification loci compatible with core loci of New Zealand, Australia, American, and international sheep genome associations and breeding organizations.
Polymorphism loci carefully selected from resequencing data of sheep breeds worldwide.
Sites on the Y chromosome (NCBI: CM022046.1).
Marker sets evenly distributed across the sheep Oar_V4.0 reference genome.
Candidate genes and key functional sites related to important traits such as growth, slaughter, reproduction, coat color, horn type, disease/stress resistance, and more.
Candidate genes and key functional sites were selected from the OMIA (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals) database, Sheep QTL database (Animal QTLdb, 2023), and some publications.
The GenoBaits® Sheep 1K Panel is the ultimate solution for sheep breeding and genetics research, providing unparalleled accuracy and precision
- Application
For Discovery Service
Parentage identification
Genetic diversity analysis
Populations validation of functional marker
For Breeding Service
Stud individual gene ID and populations DNA pedigree records
Stud production management
Genetic disease screening
Molecular marker-assisted breeding
- Service Process
- Report Visualization
- Documents