- Product
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- GBTS Panel
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- Product
- Services
- GBTS Panel
- Software System
- Reagents
- Instruments
- Media

- Product
- Services
- GBTS Panel
- Software System
- Reagents
- Instruments
- Media
- …
- Product
- Services
- GBTS Panel
- Software System
- Reagents
- Instruments
- Media

GenoBaits® Sheep 40K Panel
The GenoBaits® Sheep 40K Panel was developed from resequencing 587 sheep breeds and wild relatives. The SNP discovery project was a collaboration between Molbreeding R&D team and the research teams led by Dr. Jiang Yu from Northwest A&M University and Dr. Liu Yongbin from Inner Mongolia University.
- Product Highlight
Total 40,156 target regions, evenly distributed across the genome; more than 90% SNPs have MAF > 0.1.
Rich informative profiles, of which have high call rates (>99%) and accuracy.
High density multiplexing and high-throughput indexing providing efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
26 target regions on Y chromosome were designed (NCBI:CM022046.1) for early sex determination.
Brucella spp. specific genes designed for infection detection and VirB12, a serological marker of Brucella infection screening.
~150 traits related genes that provide better characterization of the flock and breeding value. These include genes significant related to reproduction, growth, immunity, fat deposition, milk production, thoracic vertebrae, tail type, tail fat, horn type, and wool type, etc.
- Application
For Discovery Service
Key trait gene mapping
Genetic diversity analysis
Variety identification
Parental verification
For Breeding Service
Germplasm improvement and protection
Genome-wide association study
Molecular marker-assisted selection
Genome-wide selection breeding
- Service Process
- Report Visualization
- Published Literatures
- Documents