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- GBTS Panel
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- Product
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- GBTS Panel
- Software System
- Reagents
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- Product
- Services
- GBTS Panel
- Software System
- Reagents
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- Product
- Services
- GBTS Panel
- Software System
- Reagents
- Instruments
- Media
GenoBaits® Wheat 16K Panel
The GenoBaits® Wheat 16K Panel was a collaborative effort between the Molbreeding R&D team and the research teams led by Prof. Kang Zhensheng from China Northwest A&M University. The SNPs were selected from 20 sequenced pan-genomes and 1,520 germplasm data collected worldwide. Through validation and optimization, Molbreeding designed 14,868 mSNP (multiple single-nucleotide-polymorphism cluster) capture regions (total 37,669 SNPs markers) into one liquid chip. This 16K panel can be used for germplasm evaluation and linkage map construction.
- Product Highlight
Enriched polymorphism selection and a broad spectrum of variation
The 16K markers were selected from resequencing data and validated through a wide varieties of wheat accessions (wild, land race or cultivated) in all regions of the globe (spring and winter wheat regions).
Marker even distribution on all chromosomes
After several round of optimization, the current 16K panel contains ~ 1800 SNP markers evenly distributed on each chromosome.
Higher density and lower cost
This 16K panel provides more than 37K SNP marker genotypes, which greatly enhance the prediction accuracy and lower cost while comparing to other similar product.
- Application
For Discovery Service
Genetic map construction
QTL analysis
Genome-wide association study
For Breeding Service
Germplasm characterization
Molecular marker-assisted selection
Genome-wide selection breeding
Variety protection, Varietiy authentication
- Service Process
- Report Visualization
- Application Example
200 Yaco'S'/Mingxian 169 RIL7 family materials were detected and genotyped by GenoBaits® Wheat 16K Panel, and a total of 14,868 markers were obtained, and 4,883 markers with differences between parents were selected to construct genetic maps, using QTL IciMapping 4.2, combined with the phenotypic traits and genetic map information from the four environments, two stable QTLs were mapped on 2BS and 3BS, respectively.
- Published Literatures
- Documents