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- GBTS Panel
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- Product
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- GBTS Panel
- Software System
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- Product
- Services
- GBTS Panel
- Software System
- Reagents
- Instruments
- Media
- …
- Product
- Services
- GBTS Panel
- Software System
- Reagents
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- Media

Commercial Genetic Testing Panels Available In MolBreeding
- Product Highlight: multiple single-nucleotide-polymorphism cluster (mSNP) technology, Enriched polymorphism selection and a broad spectrum of variation, high throughput and lowcost, customized flexibility.
- Application: Variety identification and protection, Germplasm resource evaluation and protection, Molecular marker-assisted selection, Genome-wide selective breeding, Genome-wide association study, Genetic map construction, Gene/QTL mapping etc.
- Product Highlight: Simple sampling, Modular design, Flexible addition, Fast turn around time.
- Application: Genome-wide selective breeding, Germplasm characterization, Parental verification, Economical trait evaluation, Genome-wide association study, Genetic map construction, QTL mapping, Population genetic diversity analysis etc.
The research team led by Dr. Kong Jie from Chinese Academy of Fishery Science have sequenced 443 varieties for SNP discovery, which provides a foundation for the Molbreeding GenoBaits 55K shrimp panel design. This 55K panel is also a great tool for genome selection to improve breeding efficiency of disease resistance and select high-quality varieties of Litopenaeus Vannamei.
Fruits And Vegetables
- Product Highlight: multiple single-nucleotide-polymorphism cluster (mSNP) technology, Enriched polymorphism selection and a broad spectrum of variation, high throughput and lowcost, customized flexibility.
- Application: Variety identification and protection, Fingerprint construction, Genetic map construction, Gene/QTL mapping, Molecular marker-assisted selection, Functional gene mapping and cloning etc.
- Product Highlight: multiple single-nucleotide-polymorphism cluster (mSNP) technology, Enriched polymorphism selection and a broad spectrum of variation, high throughput and lowcost, customized flexibility.
- Application: Variety identification and protection, Germplasm resource evaluation and protection, Molecular marker-assisted selection, Genome-wide selective breeding, Genome-wide association study, Genetic map construction, Gene/QTL mapping etc.
- Product Highlight: multiple single-nucleotide-polymorphism cluster (mSNP) technology, Enriched polymorphism selection and a broad spectrum of variation, high throughput and lowcost, customized flexibility.
- Application: Variety identification and protection, Germplasm resource evaluation and protection, Molecular marker-assisted selection, Genome-wide selective breeding, Genome-wide association study, Genetic map construction, Gene/QTL mapping etc.